Anthrocide is the official website for D.L. Hamilton, author of several Christian novels and essays.



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About D.L. Hamilton

Here are the key facts and figures from D. L. Hamilton’s own lips, er, fingertips:

“When I was born I was very young—or at least so my parents told me. I personally do not have much recollection of it which suggests that my penchant for not paying attention began early in life. I lived in San Francisco until I was eight at which time our family moved to Sutter, California, a small town in the Sacramento Valley whose population at the time was about 1,000 not counting dogs which would have quintupled it. I graduated from California State University, Chico with a degree in Computer Science back when the school’s only computer was water-cooled, filled a large room, and had 32K of memory. (And, no, that is not a typo). I married THE most wonderful woman on the planet and moved back to the Bay Area where we lived until the fall of 2000. I have two sons of whom I am extremely proud, my only regret being that they did not inherit more characteristics from their mother. Indeed, what they did get from their mother’s side is:

  • Good looks
  • Intelligence

From my side they got:

  • Sarcasm
  • Infuriatingly lax study habits
  • Thinning hair
  • The inability to find anything without the help of a spouse
  • Procrastination
  • Allegiance to hopelessly inept professional sports teams

In late 2000 my wife and I moved to a small Midwestern city where I still work in the computer biz, teach adult Sunday school (hmm, that almost sounds x-rated, doesn’t it?), make a pathetic attempt at playing the bass guitar in the church worship band, and love to write, write, write!”

Knowing that the above bio could not hope to be adequately comprehensive, below are some:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do you use your initials instead of your actual name?
A: Two reasons, actually. First, there was an author several years ago with my first and last name doing a very different genre of writings; this avoids confusion. Also, since there are romantic aspects in much of my writing I did not want women who subscribe to the belief that men cannot write romance to dismiss my books out-of-hand without giving them a try. With just initials the author’s gender is less obvious (although hopefully this is not the case in person!). Of course, now that I’ve said I have a wife and two sons I guess my cover is pretty much blown.

Q: What was Huckleberry Hound’s favorite song?
A: “Clementine.”

Q: What does “Anthrocide” mean?
A: It’s explained in the book. Aw, go on, buy it. It’s not that expensive!

Q: Which came first the chicken or the egg?
A: One’s opinion of that depends on whether one is a creationist or an evolutionist. To the creationist the answer is quite simple. The chicken was created, male and female, from whence came eggs which hatched more chickens, etc. To the evolutionist there ARE no chickens. Natural selection, the bedrock of evolutionary theory, dictates that a plump, tasty, defenseless, near-flightless fowl would never have survived as the variations in its makeup were turning it into the favorite meal of every predatory species on earth. Therefore, chickens could not possibly have evolved and thus must not exist. Of course were I to subscribe to atheistic relativism, the natural bedfellow of the theory of evolution wherein there are no absolutes and reality itself is whatever I perceive it to be, I could decide that YOU do not exist. Yes, you’re absolutely right, that IS stupid. Pretty frightening to realize that’s becoming the foundational belief structure for our society, isn’t it?

Q: Are you always so long-winded when you answer a simple question?
A: Yes.

Q: Just how often have people actually asked these so-called “Frequently” asked questions?
A: Counting this time, once.

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